Komplettlösung zu Fallout - New Vegas - Kapitel 19 - Der Strip (Quest 1) D&D Beyond An improved version of the quest We Are Legion given to you by Dead Sea at Nelson.
It's not obtainable if the player travels to the Fort and Vulpes relocates there. If you have a 100 science skill, you can hack the VR chamber without the keycards. Elimination of all subgroups and ethnicities until there is only one: Legion. This guide to the Fallout: New Vegas provides a detailed description of both the story line and all side quests.Description covers information about possible solutions of specific quests and their endings.

All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Fallout: New Vegas > General Discussions > Topic Details. House or want to look out for yourself (the Wildcard quest line), then use the control device to upgrade the robots. The legionaries use trappings of Roman culture, … Note: inside the fort is a trader named Dale Barton. RNK fame (targeted Legion) They will cost 1000 caps (less with a good barter skill). Gamepedia Help As you are leaving the Tops Casino, you will be confronted by one of Caesar’s men who gives you the quest. 1 Quick walkthrough 2 Detailed walkthrough 3 Notes 4 Behind the scenes 5 Bugs 6 References Note: Only male couriers will be allowed to complete this quest female couriers cannot participate. If I were to do them, will the legion think of me as one of them and not let me join their group? There are water sources in the dam, but you’ll still want plenty of healing items. Diese Quests werden mit der Installation von Old World Blues verfügbar. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How do i join the legion? It his three security bots. Be aware that Boone, one of your possible companions, hates the Legion and will attack them on sight. By doing this quest you will complete as many as three quests at once. Otherwise, killing Legion members won't screw the story up. Fallout Wiki ist eine Fandom-Videospiele-Community. the Legion are slavers so they're evil Speak to the legionnaire on the dock of Cottonwood docks. Browse all chevron_right Browse all chevron_right.

Behind the door next to it is a plasma rifle. House gives you “House Always Wins, Part II” and Caesar gives you “Render Unto Caesar.” All you have to do in order to complete all of them at the same time is … 1KB. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Whats some really good armor to get early in the game? Yes Man gives you the quest “Wild Card: You and What Army?” and Mr. If you have a negative reputation with the Legion it will be reset to neutral so you can start the quest.