
Dantes inferno pc
Dantes inferno pc

Notable faces include Socrates, Homer, and Saladin, amongst others. Basically all the pagans that did not know of God, live here.

dantes inferno pc

The First Circle of Hell is Limbo, where the willful sinners are. The Nine Levels of Hell First Circle (Limbo) He is saved however, by Vergilius, who proceeds to guide him through Hell. Dante Alighieri was going through a tough time at the point in time he wrote The Divine Comedy, having just been banned from Firenze, and as such this may have been a symbolic representation of his depression. The story starts out with a man named Dante lost in a dark wood. In the book, Dante traverses the nine levels of Hell (in Dante's universe, Hell is shaped like a cone that faces downwards), guided by his friend, Vergilius (Virgil). The poem is considered to be one of the greatest literary works in human history, and established the Tuscan dialect of Toscana as the Italian standard dialect. The subsequent chapters, Purgatorio and Paradiso, or Purgatory and Heaven, are not represented in the video game. The first chapter, in which Dante is led through the circles of Hell, is called Inferno, or Dante's Inferno. The poem is likewise divided into three chapters, each focused on a different realm. The Divine Comedy tells the tale of Dante as he is given a tour of the three realms of the afterlife Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. Wayne Barlowe, the game's artist, was chosen to work on the game based on his work Barlowe's Inferno, a collection of images inspired by the poem. It is very loosely based on Inferno, the first chapter of Dante Alighieri's epic poem La Divina Commedia, or The Divine Comedy.

dantes inferno pc

It was released on the Xbox 360 and PS3 on February 9, 2010. Dante's Inferno is a third-person action game from Electronic Arts and Visceral Games with gameplay reminiscent of the God of War series.

Dantes inferno pc